Discover the Options and Benefits

Did you know there are many ways you can support Soka University of America without giving up funds right now? When you include a gift to Soka University of America in your estate or financial plans, you ensure your support for our work lives on for generations.

Reasons to Make a Planned Gift

In addition to making an impact on our future, a planned gift allows you to create a legacy that speaks to your values. It also offers you benefits such as:

  1. Your gift is generally deferred until after your lifetime, so your current income isn’t affected.
  2. With many planned gifts, you have the right to change your mind at any time throughout your lifetime.

Planned Giving is For Everyone

A common myth about planned giving is that it is only for the wealthy. The reality: Planned giving is for everyone! No matter your age or income, you need a plan. When you take time to plan, you create a secure future for yourself and your loved ones.

A Popular Option

A gift to Soka University of America in your will or living trust is the most popular type of planned gift. Many choose this because it is flexible and can be structured to meet your needs.

Create Your Legacy at SUA

No matter the type of planned gift you choose, it is reassuring to know your gift will allow you to extend your impact into the future. You can feel confident in the fact that we will be here to carry out our mission for years to come thanks to your support. To learn more about planned giving, contact Linda Kennedy at or 949-480-4072.